Monday, June 5, 2023

What is WordPress? How to Use It? (Beginner’s Guide)


While talking about WordPress, do you think of developing a website without coding?  Yes, you’re right. WordPress is a free and open-source platform to frame great ideas on the internet with zero coding knowledge. Making it easier, we call it a content management system i.e. a platform where you can edit and create content on the provided theme.

Are you a beginner? If you are willing to start your own WordPress website, then this blog is for you.   

Here’s how we begin,

Before beginning the basic use of WordPress, this blog will clarify your doubts about the themes, plugins, and their uses in WordPress.

Installation is the first step that you should know.

WordPress Installation:   

Start with installing Bitnami WordPress from the browser. For that

1.      Go to the browser

2.      Type Bitnami WordPress on the search bar

3.      Open the first link

4.      Click on download


After downloading the software, you need to install it on your device. Follow the given steps for that,

1.      Open the downloaded Bitnami file

2.      Choose language(preferably English) and click ok

3.      Click next until you reach Create an Admin page

4.      Edit login details(remember the details for future use)

5.      Keep clicking next until the WordPress is installed.

6.      Click Finish.


This will take you to a page where you should click on ACCESS WordPress to run a WordPress site on your PC.  

The simple and easy way to get access to your website is to type localhost/WordPress because this is a local installation.

We shall learn about types of installation in further blogs.

Dashboard Essentials

Dashboard knowledge will help you in customizing your website the way you want it. It is simply a managerial page of the website to which admins get access.

Before getting to the dashboard you must enter your username and password in the localhost for the local server.

For example, localhost/mybeginning/wp-login where mybeginning is your domain name.

The leftmost horizontal bar shows essential tools to manage your website.

Home: Home is the front view of the dashboard from where you can reach other icons. It is the actual dashboard that you reach on logging in with an admin username and password.

Updates: Updates let you know the recently updated versions of plugins and other notifications.

Posts: In the posts section you can create new posts along with the categories and tags. You can also view your posts from the posts section.    

Media: The media section has two options where you can add new media or view the library of your old media. You can add videos, audio, images, file, etc. to use them on your web pages.

Pages: Pages represents the pages that you can add to the header or menu section of your website. Pages are dynamic in nature. It means you can decide the number of pages on your website by adding pages through the Add New option. You can also view your pages and modify them.  

Comments: Comments allow you to view the comments on your page or post. You also get an option to remove comments.  

Appearance: Appearance allows you to activate a new theme, customize it; work on the menus, widgets, and so on. You are able to manage how your website should appear in the appearance section.

Plugins: Plugins allow you to add extra features such as SEO, slider, etc. to the website. You can view your plugins, and add new or edit the existing ones in this section.

Users: Users are the people that have access to the website dashboard. In this section, you can add, remove or edit the roles of users.   

Tools: Tools allow the user to extract data from the website and import data from another location.

Settings: Settings regarding media, blogs, website URL, and other features are available here and can be modified as per the need.

Themes on WordPress

Themes in WordPress are the designs and layouts that will be visible to visitors.

In order to install the theme on your website, you need to

1.      Go to the Appearance section on the left-hand side and click on Themes.

2.      Choose to Add New option to navigate themes.

3.      Either choose from old themes or install a new one.

4.      After installation, click on activate.

5.      Click on Customize to edit the theme.


You can also buy themes at affordable prices.

Plugins Installation

You would want to put on functionalities to your WordPress site after its creation. Plugins help you set every small to big feature in your website.  

WordPress provides more than 55 thousand plugins for free.

For the installation, you need to follow the following steps:

1.      Click on plugins on the left side of the dashboard

2.      Click on Add new

3.      Click Install Now and then Activate 

Begin now to create your first project.

What is SEO Copywriting? How to Write an SEO-friendly Copy? Beginner's Tips


SEO copywriting is the practice of writing advertising content by making it search-friendly in the search engine/browser. The purpose of SEO copywriting is to increase brand awareness by reaching a maximum number of people. Furthermore, it helps in improving the ranking of the website.

Are you in search of a guideline to optimize your site in the search engine?  Knowing the work habit of a search engine is necessary before diving into SEO copywriting.

Here are tips on writing SEO-friendly copy.

On-page SEO:

On-page SEO is the optimization technique that is in total control of the user. Generating in-depth and quality contents are part of On-Page SEO.  You get to modify your URL, Metadata, etc. while working on On-Page SEO. Moreover, it helps in getting organic traffic.

The tricks and techniques that you need to implement while doing on-page SEO are as follows:

i.                 Write attractive Meta descriptions.

ii.                The URL of the page should be simple and short.

iii.               Use keywords in the title and in the body part within 100 words.

iv.               The keyword density should be optimum. It means that use an equal quantity of keywords in all paragraphs of the content.

v.                Use a structured format. This means that you should use numbering and bullets for describing a process or points.

vi.               You should keep enough spacing to make it easily readable.

Keyword Selection:

Keywords are simply the words or phrases that people use to surf content on the web. Including such words in the website makes it searchable. A search engine is a programmed machine that identifies certain words and displays them on the search screen accordingly.  

The selection of keywords is a wise and crucial process in search engine optimization. The long-tailed and short-tailed keywords can be chosen for your content with the use of different keyword-searching tools.

A few of them are:

·        Google’s keyword planner

·        Microsoft keyword planner tool

·        Soovle

·        Google Trends, and so on


Metadata consists of two major components for optimizing website content.

·        Meta Title

·        Meta description


The meta title is the title that we give to our posts. The length and word selection of the Meta title determines the readability of the contents because this is what users would view initially. Remembering to keep the Meta title between 50 to 60 characters long is mandatory.

Likewise, the text that appears below the title is the Meta description. This is the short descriptive sentence that reveals what’s inside the post. It should contain the main keyword. Likewise, the length should be 130 to 160 characters long.

You must not forget to include the keyword in both the Metadata.


As you know citations; backlinks are similar components. These are the links from another source to your content or website. It is believed that backlinks generate a vote of confidence and referral for the website.  

Here are a few methods to create backlinks for free:

·        Contribute your article to a journal or magazine.

·        Generate internal links i.e. link different pages from your own website.

·        Make use of unique infographics so that others would use them to give you credit.

·        Choose social media comments to refer to your web page.

Write attractive content:

No matter the perfection of SEO, dull content would always increase the bounce rate on your website. The bounce rate is the rate of visitors leaving your website which is not a good thing.

So always focus on writing appealing and readable content.   

The tips on writing readable content are:

·        Make use of simple and relevant language. Do not twist or complicate the sentences for technical writing.

·        The first paragraph should be persuasive enough.

·        Don’t go out of your title.

·        Provide facts

·        Give examples

·        Target audience as per their age, culture, profession, etc.

Remove objects slowing down the site:

SEO is also affected by the bulky infographics on your website. Several technical factors slow down your web page. A copywriter must know these factors to mitigate them at the correct time.

We have listed some of them here:

· Big-sized or Large images can be cropped or compressed.

·        Heavy plugins: Removal of unnecessary plugins will help in speeding up your site.

·        Bulky media: Large-sized audio or video files need to be compressed in size.

Making use of software like GTmetrix is recommended to calculate the speed of your website.

Organization of contents:

Your contents need to be clean and precise in order to deliver relevant content to the readers.

Let us help you with the techniques to organize your blog content:

·        Making use of an equal density of keywords helps in the process.

·        Make use of bullets whenever you need to explain the topic in points.

·        Make use of numbering for the procedure.

·        Include one topic in one paragraph.


Sunday, September 11, 2022

Love Has No Age


Bruce, a person in his late 70s, considered me his daughter and told me the secret of life.

"The only thing I regret about life is not having true love. I remained unmarried for my entire life and never had someone with whom I could share the coldness and warmth of life. There is scantiness in life without love. Love from someone special."


“Love” is the foundation of life. I believe that whatever exists in this universe is incomplete without love.

Neither the scantiness of that adoration can be fulfilled with materialistic wealth nor can it be replaced with the fulfillment of sexual appetite.

The relation between two souls is like that of light and shadow. When it comes to love, becoming ageless, timeless, boundless, and limitless feels beautiful. You are really blessed if you have a person who accepts you with all your flaws, just the way you are.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Applications of Python Programming


Have you ever wondered about the vast popularity of Python programming language over the past few years? This is so because of its various application areas in the real world.

Let us clarify the various applications of Python programming.

AI and Machine Learning:

Artificial intelligence allows the machine to learn things on its own with the most negligible human interaction. This is why developers choose Python to minimize their workload.

Furthermore, the availability of build-in tools and libraries such as

·       Keras,

·       Seaborn,

·       SciPy and

·       Numpy


for machine learning, data visualization, computing, and complex data analysis make Python more desirable among the programming languages.  

Game Development

People’s increasing desire for 3D games is fulfilled by games built on Python. Mostly interactive games are made using Python programming language.

Even a basic level of understanding of Python can help an individual develop games in much less time. Whether it is a quiz, pong, or Disney’s Toontown Online; the PyGame library has been helpful in generating practical outputs.  

Web Development

Protocol integration and processing are easier in Python libraries such as

·       Flask

·       Django

·       Pyramid


These frameworks support HTTPS, SSL, FTP, JSON, XML, and many more protocols and file formats, providing greater scalability for programmers. Hence, the most attractive and Secure web applications can be built with Python.   

GUI for Desktop

You can program simple to advance forms of Desktop applications with Python. Tkinter is the most famous Python library for this purpose. The availability of several toolkits makes the language preferable for desktop app developers.

These toolkits are:

·       Kivy

·       PYQT

·       GKT+

·       WxWidgets, etc.

Business Specific Applications

Business applications are mostly e-commerce oriented.

The easily manageable and user-friendly applications can be developed with handy Python management systems like

·       Plone

·       Django CMS


On the other hand, python based web applications such as Odoo and Tryton also provide efficiency in developing business applications of any kind.

Data Science

Python has a special place in the world of data science. It can become a ladder in stepping up to the data scientist carrier. Being an open-source and object-oriented programming language; it helps in mathematical functionalities and statistics.

The various platforms provided by Python for data and numeric purposes are:

·       Pandas

·       SciPy

·       Seaborn

·       Matplotlib, etc.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Why should a man play the major role in family's economy?

 Families in East Asia are considered to be perfect when men look after the family’s finances, women look after the kitchen and children and the elders(mostly men) take the major family decisions. The circumstances of perfection have changed a little bit as we see men changing baby diapers and cutting vegetables, women working outside the home and making money, and elders considering the opinion of other younger family members. But the major responsibility of kitchen and children goes to the women no matter how hard they work the whole day. This is the major issue which female activists have been raising now and then. Today I am not here to put my views upon this cliche topic though it’s important because all of you have been doing that time and again. For now, let's talk about men and the by birth duties that have been prescribed to them so that we might be able to find the route of equality for both men and women.

It is unjust to hand over the major financial responsibility of a family to the male member of the house.  It is miserable to know there are several families around us where the man is supposed to pay the school fees, buy the groceries, pay the electricity bills, etc. even when his wife has a fine income. But what is more pathetic is that the men have subconsciously accepted themselves as the utmost economic pillars of the family. Their minds are filled with the horrible idea that their menage will have pitiful situations, become beggars, and starve till death without their money. 

People are used to calling women delicate creatures but when you look at men, they look equally fragile. The only difference is that men have been taught to show the world that they are bold and strong no matter what. Their feelings and emotions have been subdued for centuries as patriarchy has been stabbing them from behind. I agree that the suppression is different from that of women but it does not mean that it is any less severe. Men are obliged to make money and fulfill each and every necessity of every family member. Why is he not given the opportunity to choose his way of living but pushed into the obvious task of making money? He might have deep desires to cook, clean, and look after his children. He might want to sit in the next seat while his wife drives the car. He might want to wait for his life partner to come home from work to make a warm tea in her delight. Has this thought ever crossed your mind? If not then would you mind taking a minute in analyzing this major inequality that has been deep-rooted in our mentality?


Many different conclusions can be made on this issue. The main agenda is to think that, is it just the societal obligation/subconscious responsibility that compels men to earn for the family rather than babysitting? Is there the existence of something like men's ego? Does he want to be superior to his woman by being the major financial supporter? Is it that hard for him to digest the fact that the family has been surviving on his wife’s income? Does it feel good to be served first at the dining table despite all the hatred that he has for his job? So many questions are left unanswered because the answer lies within ourselves. All we need to do is take a glance at it without any excuses.

I think men should take the first step towards their real freedom, the way women have been fighting for their liberation. There are many females who have been working at home and at the office but still kept away from making the main financial contributor to the family. For the men who are scared to take any step in making his wife the leader in the family: Taking your lady’s entire salary and making your kids come to you for their needs makes you less of a father or husband and more of a cowardly creature. For the women who are too lazy and lack self-respect: making excuses and surviving entirely on your husband’s hard-earned money which includes your shopping and parties makes you less of a woman and more of a parasite. Providing the opportunity of taking charge of the major economic responsibility to the female who is willing and daring to do that will not only help her become more confident and powerful but also provide men freedom of pursuing their incomplete dreams without worrying about finance. Moreover, several other men and women can follow the trail that is left by you and your spouse.

Shoutout to all the women and men out there who are breaking the barriers of patriarchy.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Corona is innocent, I'm insane


For all your children that I turned dead

The sins I committed, the mistakes I made

I know this destiny is gonna fade


You are the reason that I’m created

Before this world, this life

This universe and this birth

I believe we were there

Together with trust

I strangled your love and

Slowly betrayed you with time

I broke your trust and

God, you constantly amended mine

Neither mother nor the moon is that white,

How come you are so spotless, so clear, and bright?

She born my body through her body


You born my soul through your divine light

Let me now be yours

Since you were always mine

Although I ignored you

You were the one for me in hard times

Fingers are pointed at

Both you and they

Where they blame my needs 

And you show me the way

The only thing I lament on is you making me so sensitive

Too delicate for this time and pace

Too slow to compete for this storm and race

Oh God!!!

What is going to take my life?

Covid-19 or stress?

Throughout my entire life

I have been a sinner

All those innocent animals

I just treated them as dinner


This pandemic has arrived to make me realize my crimes

While I reach for the rhymes,

You make me forget the verse

For your beautiful creation, I became a curse

Sorry, God, I became worse!

I concreted your warm earth

I polluted your pure water

I slaughtered your innocent children

I turned this nature into an absolute drain

I boasted about my weapons

I bragged about my inventions

I disbelieved your existence

Oh God, I was such nonsense!

I collected plenty of wealth

As if those riches I would take

Corona is a lesson that I must intake

A self-realization period, a vague break.

God, give me enough strength

To inhale this wild Corona air

As I have been losing my patience

All I need is your love, guidance, and care

Monday, March 22, 2021

The uprising attraction on business automation for industries in Nepal.

picture source:


As technology is expanding, the world is contracting. Shrinking in a way that the globe can be crossed in hours, miles of distance can be covered in minutes, and heaps of messages can be delivered in seconds.

A small startup like Google which was initiated from a small garage has been able to dominate the entire web. This has all been possible because of the use of technology in business.

The more industries in Nepal have started knowing the importance and benefits of business automation, the more they are being attracted to it.

We are well known for the fact that no other infrastructure in Nepal has taken the pace of growth as communication and technology over the last few decades.

So it is obvious for smart entrepreneurs to keep business automation as their topmost priority. 

From the hiring process to the clients and sales management, everything becomes much easier. The pen and paper have been replaced with touchscreens and keyboards which have made the form filling much easier. 

The employee hiring process has become oversimplified with emails, online interviews, etc. Overhead labor efficiency can be easily calculated to provide a reasonable salary and credit to every employee. Video conferencing, client meetings, office meetings, and every other event management can be done by a single app. Office designing and facility management no longer require manual effort. Automated customer support systems are able to give 24*7 services to customers despite the absence of manpower.

Digital signatures, fingerprint scanning, voice recognition, facial recognition, retina scanning, etc. have added extra security to businesses.

Precise employee analytics, sales management, revenue growth factors, employee attendance calculation, etc. are now every automated business piece of cake.

Whether it is a sole proprietorship or partnership business, the use of technology in business has always been proven to be an asset for the business. The industries which are well-introduced to this fact have utilized the technology to promote their products.

Due to the use of advanced technologies, they are now able to save plenty of time as well as money and generate a surplus amount of annual profit. Industries in a  developing country like Nepal needs to adopt business automation not just from the profit point of view but also from the analysis of security, under-developing infrastructure, and deflecting political status.

Imitation is human nature. While most of successful companies are adopting business automation, following the trend of business automation has become an inescapable thing for the rest of the businesses. By any means all it does is, grow the business.

The automated business is the true business. In order to encourage the interests of Nepalese industries in business automation, we need to invent new technologies and advance the existing technologies. Being an entrepreneur, the ball is in your court whether you become a sat on the fence or grab the automated business for the best results.


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