Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts

Monday, March 22, 2021

The uprising attraction on business automation for industries in Nepal.

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As technology is expanding, the world is contracting. Shrinking in a way that the globe can be crossed in hours, miles of distance can be covered in minutes, and heaps of messages can be delivered in seconds.

A small startup like Google which was initiated from a small garage has been able to dominate the entire web. This has all been possible because of the use of technology in business.

The more industries in Nepal have started knowing the importance and benefits of business automation, the more they are being attracted to it.

We are well known for the fact that no other infrastructure in Nepal has taken the pace of growth as communication and technology over the last few decades.

So it is obvious for smart entrepreneurs to keep business automation as their topmost priority. 

From the hiring process to the clients and sales management, everything becomes much easier. The pen and paper have been replaced with touchscreens and keyboards which have made the form filling much easier. 

The employee hiring process has become oversimplified with emails, online interviews, etc. Overhead labor efficiency can be easily calculated to provide a reasonable salary and credit to every employee. Video conferencing, client meetings, office meetings, and every other event management can be done by a single app. Office designing and facility management no longer require manual effort. Automated customer support systems are able to give 24*7 services to customers despite the absence of manpower.

Digital signatures, fingerprint scanning, voice recognition, facial recognition, retina scanning, etc. have added extra security to businesses.

Precise employee analytics, sales management, revenue growth factors, employee attendance calculation, etc. are now every automated business piece of cake.

Whether it is a sole proprietorship or partnership business, the use of technology in business has always been proven to be an asset for the business. The industries which are well-introduced to this fact have utilized the technology to promote their products.

Due to the use of advanced technologies, they are now able to save plenty of time as well as money and generate a surplus amount of annual profit. Industries in a  developing country like Nepal needs to adopt business automation not just from the profit point of view but also from the analysis of security, under-developing infrastructure, and deflecting political status.

Imitation is human nature. While most of successful companies are adopting business automation, following the trend of business automation has become an inescapable thing for the rest of the businesses. By any means all it does is, grow the business.

The automated business is the true business. In order to encourage the interests of Nepalese industries in business automation, we need to invent new technologies and advance the existing technologies. Being an entrepreneur, the ball is in your court whether you become a sat on the fence or grab the automated business for the best results.


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