Thursday, November 12, 2020

That’s me!

 That’s me!

I know a girl who is Brave but Sensitive

Emotional and Creative

Talkative as well as Tentative


Her attitude fits in none of the nouns and adjectives


I got a tale to tell

Few of her secrets to yell


Once upon a time was a full moon(Purnima) with lots of flaws.

She kept gasping for Oxygen while sharpening her claws.

Her bold feminism and that downpouring rainstorm

She was in a dilemma: whether to install an Internet Explorer or Google Chrome

She thought:

Time: high or low

Will come and go

Who will stay with even when I say no?

Though it was raining, I saw her tears

Even in that pitch darkness, I witnessed her fears

She thought and thought and thought till her head cracked with pain

Yet could not decide which web browser to actually claim 

Among many, two were the most

Between those two she herself was lost

This or that or this or that or this…….

Severe headache and stress so deep
**ck that creep!

She shut down her laptop and went to sleep


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