Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Dreams Have A lot To Say

A Shivling was sitting in the spotlessly clean water of a temple in the yard of Himalaya. A religious bell was hung just above the Shivling supported by local woods. The devotion within me was completely reflecting in my eyes and face. I massaged the Shivling with the water on which it was sitting. The water felt like a pure portion of milk. I rang the bell thrice and chanted Shiva Stotram.

The periphery of the temple was so pious that anybody could feel the divine blessings of lord shiva. When I would tilt my head upward at an angle of 45 degrees I could view the pagoda-style shiva temple. The pilgrimages in orange uniform lighting incense sticks outside the main temple and carrying white flowers inside the temple would be seen every time I looked at the temple in front of me.

I was the only one who did not go to worship the big statue of Shakara that was kept inside the temple. A thought kept me from going inside the temple. “The entire gist is in this Shivling and people keep lighting those incense sticks. The real fragrance comes from within not without.” I realized that those words were from Lord SHIVA.


I kept washing the Shivling with full devotion. While washing, the white ring on my finger fell on the water and floated like the most expensive piece of stone on the planet. I had never seen such a lustrous thing before. I kept on witnessing the scene without a single question in my head. 

The density of the ring was higher than water so it must have sunk according to our science. Maybe the density of that pure water was higher than that of the ring or maybe God wanted to give me a glimpse of h i/e s/r presence.  Or maybe it was just a dream of mine. But that movement mesmerized me so much that it felt so real. My eyes were filled with tears. Maybe they were the drops of love that I was receiving from God. Another sacred voice started playing in my ears. “ When the ring is separated from your hand, you are able to see its real beauty. It doesn’t bother you anymore. So will be your life if you see it from my eyes. Separate your soul from that temporary body and observe it. You will realize that it’s the most precious thing in the world.”

I was aware that it was just my dream but my face could not resist glowing with satisfaction and my heart was filled with the purity of love from God. 



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